Fund Your Unpaid Summer Internship

Need funding for your summer 2021 unpaid internship? Internship Plus applications are now OPEN!

The Internship Plus program was established to support DePaul University students participating in unpaid internships. This program awards up to $2500 in financial assistance to eligible undergraduate students working in a quarter-long unpaid internship for summer. For more information, FAQs, and to apply, visit the Internship Plus website.

The deadline to apply is May 23, and no late submissions will be accepted. Additional questions? Email our front desk team at

Apply Today

If you’re still looking for an internship, we’re here to help!


  • Get Your Resume Reviewed: Peer Career Coaches are highly trained and advise students and alumni concerning basic career related issues on a virtual drop-in basis.
  • Meet with a Career Advisor: Appointments with Career Community Advisors can be made on Handshake.
  • Connect with DePaul Alumni: DePaul has an alumni mentoring program called ASK: Alumni Sharing Knowledge. Reach out to alumni on the platform to ask questions about life after DePaul, internships, grad school, career paths and more!
  • Explore: There are thousands of job & internship openings currently posted on Handshake.