Research Request: Counseling Curiosity Survey

I am reaching out to invite you to participate in an IRB-approved research study that will help deepen the understanding of the relationship between curiosity, cultural humility, and multicultural competence in master’s level counseling students enrolled in CACREP-accredited programs.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary and in no way affects your grade or standing in your class or at your university. In order to participate in this study, you must be (a) at least 18 years of age and (b) enrolled in a CACREP-accredited program at the practicum or internship level. There are minimal to no risks associated with participation in this study. This study will benefit the counseling field by increasing understanding about how the aforementioned variables under investigation may relate to counselors’ ability to serve diverse clientele, and has the potential to impact training, learning and therapeutic outcomes.

If you agree to be part of this study, you will be asked to complete a short demographic questionnaire and brief survey items to capture your experience providing therapeutic services to clients. The expected duration of your participation is approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the online survey. To protect your privacy, all participants’ IP addresses will be masked by Qualtrics and will be unavailable to, and unidentifiable by, the researchers or others.

If you are interested in participating in this investigation, please read the explanation of research and complete the survey items. Please let me know if you have any questions that I may address. As the principal investigator of this approved study, I may be contacted by email at If necessary, Dr. Ann Shillingford-Butler, Faculty Advisor, College of Community Innovation and Education at the University of Central Florida may also be contacted by phone at (407) 823-4753 or by email at


Click here to complete survey:



Thank you very much for your time and consideration! 


Amber S. Haley 

Doctoral Candidate in Counselor Education and Supervision 

University of Central Florida



Research Invitation

Hello Counselors-in-Training,

My name is Dr. Patrice Bounds, an Assistant Professor in Counseling within the Department of Leadership and Counseling at Eastern Michigan University. I am currently recruiting participants for my research to explore the Imposter Phenomenon and its relationships with perfectionism, self-esteem, and counselor self-efficacy among graduate student counselors-in-training (CITs).  If you are a counselor-in-training, enrolled in a master’s or doctoral-level counseling preparation program, and are currently in practicum or internship, please consider participating in this study.  

To participate in this study, you will need to provide informed consent and complete a series of multiple-choice questions regarding the imposter phenomenon, perfectionism, self-esteem, and self-efficacy among graduate students in counselors-in-training programs. This survey contains 81  questions and should take approximately 45-60  minutes to complete. Information provided will be kept confidential and will be utilized to provide additional insight into these growing research areas for graduate students and counselor educators. Results will be utilized for future publication and poster/educational sessions at national or regional conferences for professional counselors.

Participants who complete the study will receive a $5 Amazon e-gift card. Upon completion of the study, the e-gift card will be sent to the participant’s email address.

Remember, participation is completely voluntary, you can withdraw from the study at any time, and have the right to skip any questions in the survey. If you have questions or concerns about your participation in this study, you should contact the principal investigator,  Dr. Patrice Bounds Ph.D., LPC (MI), LCPC (IL), NCC, ACS at

If you would like to participate, please click on the following link to be taken to the consent form and the survey:

Please feel free to share this recruitment request with other counselors-in-training

Thank you very much.




Dr. Patrice S. Bounds

Assistant Professor, School Counseling Program Coordinator

School-Based Counseling Clinic (SBCC) Coordinator

Chi Sigma Iota, Pi Omega Chapter Faculty Advisor

Department of Leadership & Counseling

John W. Porter Bldg., Suite 304

Eastern Michigan University

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Wellness Wednesday

Today’s Wellness Wednesday tip is about implementing a body scan meditation. This a meditative grounding technique designed to relax your body and focus your mind. Using this guided audio, set aside three minutes today to check in with yourself. How do you feel afterwards?

Calling for ISCA Conference Presentation Proposals

Calling for ISCA
Conference Presenter Proposals
We are thrilled to plan for the ISCA Conference on November 1st and 2nd and we want you to be a part of the experience. Our conference benefits from professionals like you who are willing to share the great things you are doing in school counseling with others! We hope you consider submitting a conference presentation proposal.

Click here to access information about submitting a conference proposal. 

Deadline for submission is May 15th, 2021.

Consider working with your colleagues to share the awesome work you are doing in your school or program.


COE International Student Group Career Workshop

Career Workshop_4.19.2020_updated

The COE International Student Group is hosting a Career Workshop on Monday, April 19 from 4pm-5pm. This workshop is open to all COE students and will feature guest speaker Jen Fleming and Lorne Bobren from the Career Center who will present on career development in the field of education. This event could be particularly helpful to graduating students or students looking to start an internship.