Chicago Mosaics: Black Mental Health Matters

Chicago Mosaics: Black Mental Health Matters

Join the Egan Office at DePaul for a discussion focused on mental health awareness and advocacy in the Black community.

This quarter we welcome Dr. Deanna Burgess, Dr. Darrick Tovar-Murray, and Dr. Autumn Cabell of DePaul University’s Department of Counseling and Special Education, for a conversation on spreading awareness for mental health in the Black community.

This speaker series is a quarterly event where The Egan Office of Urban Education and Community Partnerships at DePaul University hosts conversations with community and movement builders, activists, and organizers in an effort to recognize the critical voices that give shape to The Chicago Mosaic. All events are free and open to the community.

This event will be held on Zoom. Register for the event on Eventbrite and the ticket emailed to you will contain the link to the event. Any questions regarding the event or this speaker series please email

 Saturday, March 6 at 12:00pm to 2:00pm

 Virtual Event

Self Care for All: Inclusion & Diversity in Wellness

Self Care for All: Inclusion & Diversity in Wellness Event

Participants will discuss societal factors impacting the health of diverse and minority groups. They will identify resources and strategies for increasing access and equity in wellness services. They will develop and practice self-care plans.


  • Discuss the impact of stressors faced by racial minorities, differently-abled and diverse under-served populations.
  • Identify social justice and ethical guidelines for increasing access and equity of counseling services.
  • Develop strategies for providing wellness services diverse populations.
  • Practice counselor self-care skills.

All are welcome to attend this webinar! See pricing below:

IAMC Members: $15

ICA Members: $25

Non-Members: $35

Students: $20

Log-in for your special member pricing!

Self-Care for All: Inclusion & Diversity in Wellness


Maricruz Ramos, LPC, Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision, RYT 200

Wellness Wednesday

As the quarter wraps up, stress and overwhelm may be increasing for many of us. This can show up through:

  • Thinking: Being easily distracted, trouble with concentration, trouble remembering
  • Emotions: Trouble relaxing, feeling irritable, feeling down, feeling anxious
  • Body: Increase or decrease of energy, body tension, feeling restless, sweating, being easily startled, having headaches, changes in appetite, difficulty sleeping
  • Behavior: Wanting to be alone, trouble completing work tasks, blaming others or getting into arguments

To mitigate these feelings and experiences amidst deadlines and tasks, it is important to adopt healthy techniques. Try this: in completing a task that elicits stress or a lack of motivation, work for 20 minutes, rest for 10, then repeat. This pattern may help you to stay on track with any deadlines while also creating healing space for any stress you’re experiencing.

SOUL Search: Using Pop Culture to Understand Spirituality pt. 1

SOUL Searching: Using Pop Culture to Understand Spirituality (Part One)

Event to be held at the following time and date:

Thursday, March 4, 2021 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM (EST)


How Counselors can use pop culture to help themselves and their clients understand spirituality in a new way.

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter.

We hope you can make it!


Assoc. for Multicultural Counseling & Development

Christian Picciolini on White Supremacy

On March 1, Christian Picciolini (a former white supremacist and DePaul alumni) will be giving a talk at 6:00pm on his path towards peace advocacy after leaving a violent extremist hate groups he helped to create in the 1980s and 1990s. Attached is the poster for the event.

Registration for Christian Picciolini Talk:


Post-discussion directly following this event and led by COE faculty members to discuss Picciolini’s talk, but also the nature of white supremacy and how best to confront it in our lives and work.

Registration for COE Post-Christian Picciolini Talk: