Join Us for Today’s Faculty Interview

DePaul will be hiring two non-tenure track counseling faculty members next year. We will be inviting candidates to campus over the next couple months. As graduate counseling students, you have the opportunity to virtually meet each candidate in a small group setting and are invited to attend their virtual teaching presentations. This is a very important decision and we welcome and value your input.

We have included information below for today’s interviews and attached candidate CV. You are welcome to join us via zoom.

Date: Friday, March 19

Candidate: Carlos Medina

Teaching Presentation Topic: Sexuality and working with clients from 2:45-3:45pm via zoom:

Teaching Evaluation Form:

Student meeting from 3:45-4:15pm via zoom:

Student Meeting Evaluation Form:


We hope you have a chance to meet these candidates and provide important feedback for the search committee. If you participate, please complete the feedback forms on the day of the interview.

2021 ISCA Conference

Hello Illinois School Counselors,

The Illinois School Counselor Association (ISCA) is excited to announce the 2021 ISCA Conference will be held…..

November 1-2, 2021 at the Tinley Park Convention Center

We are delighted to be planning an in-person conference again and hope you will join us for this annual opportunity for some great professional development and networking with other school counselors from across the state. And don’t worry, if we need to transition into a hybrid event, or fully virtual (like last year), ISCA is ready! So, don’t delay, because you can already register today!

Wellness Wednesday

This week’s wellness tip is about REST at the end of the quarter. As we prepare to take a break from class, hopefully some of the time we would normally dedicate to coursework can be used for rest and rejuvenation. This may look like:

  1. Making some time each day, even if it’s just a few minutes, to engage in an activity you love
  2. Getting more sleep than you typically do during the quarter
  3. Weather-permitting, planning for some time outside when you would normally be in class
  4. Limiting screen/social media time

Congrats on making it to the end of the quarter!

Join Us for Today’s Faculty Interview

DePaul will be hiring two non-tenure track counseling faculty members next year. We will be inviting candidates to campus over the next couple months. As graduate counseling students, you have the opportunity to virtually meet each candidate in a small group setting and are invited to attend their virtual teaching presentations. This is a very important decision and we welcome and value your input.

We have included information below for today’s interviews and attached candidate CV. You are welcome to join us via zoom. 


Date: Wednesday, March 17

Candidate: Marcus Smith

Teaching Presentation Topic: Ethical & Cultural considerations in Assessing Special Populations for Testing & Appraisal from 2:45-3:45pm via zoom:

Teaching Evaluation Form:

Student meeting from 3:45-4:15pm via zoom:

Student Meeting Evaluation Form:

Last Chance: NCE Workshop Series

Tomorrow (Wednesday, March 17) at noon is the final deadline to register for the NCE Workshop Series! These sessions are available to all third-year counseling students preparing to sit for the NCE this spring.

This workshop series is free for CSI members. Non-members will be assessed a series entry fee of $20. This payment is valid for all four sessions and must be submitted by noon tomorrow. You may pay CSI’s Treasurer, Estela, via Venmo @Estela-Barragan or via Zelle to Estela Barragan (773-656-6124). Please reach out if you are in need of an alternate payment method.

Registration is REQUIRED in order to attend this workshop series. You may register and find more information at the following link:

ISCA Members – Take Action Today

ISCA Members – Take Action Today

We are writing to ask for your help by submitting a witness slip in support of HB171. This is bill revises language from “guidance counselor” and “school guidance counselor” to “school counselor throughout the bill. This is a significant step in clarifying school counselor identity in Illinois.

Here is a direct link to the bill – HB1719: –

Filing a Witness Slip and is only a few clicks away. Here is the process:

  1. Go to the Illinois General Assembly website
  2. Find HB1719 in the list of bills – Sponsor Deanne M. Mazzochi
  3. Click on the icon at the end of the row – Create Witness Slip.
  4. Enter your information and then select “proponent” and “record of appearance only” in order to submit your support of this bill.

This bill is scheduled to be heard on Weds. 3/17/21, please submit your witness slip Today. YOUR VOICE MATTERS!!!

CES Program Trainee Opportunity

CES Program Trainee:

We would like your assistance in the development and validation of a new scale, the Decolonizing the Counseling Curriculum Scale (DCCS). The DCCS is a survey designed to examine cultural and antiracist practices within counselor education programs. Data generated from this study will be used to determine the DCCS’s structure, scoring method, reliability and validity.

It is our hope that the DCCS, once validated, can serve as a program evaluation tool for interested CES programs. Your voice as a CES trainee is incredibly important in validating this scale.

In order to have a rigorous scale, the development and validation of the DCCS will take place over multiple phases. For each phase of the study, you will receive a similar recruitment email. We appreciate your participation in any or all of the phases!

To review the study further, here is the informed consent document.

Access the survey packet here

White Fragility Virtual Conversation

On Thursday, April 15, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity will host a virtual conversation with Robin DiAngelo on white fragility. All are welcome to RSVP and attend.

DiAngelo is the author of the award-winning book, “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism.” Organizers of the event hope to generate conversations around structural and systemic racism, whiteness, and white privilege and fragility. As a consultant, educator and facilitator for more than 20 years, DiAngelo’s work focuses on these topics.

Thursday, April 15
3 p.m.

This event is co-sponsored by the Women’s Center, The Theatre School and Academic Affairs.

Self-Care for All: Inclusion & Diversity in Wellness

Participants will discuss societal factors impacting the health of diverse and minority groups. They will identify resources and strategies for increasing access and equity in wellness services. They will develop and practice self-care plans.


  • Discuss the impact of stressors faced by racial minorities, differently-abled and diverse under-served populations.
  • Identify social justice and ethical guidelines for increasing access and equity of counseling services.
  • Develop strategies for providing wellness services diverse populations.

Practice counselor self-care skills.

Check it Out!

 Self-Care for All: Inclusion & Diversity in Wellness

Presenter: Maricruz Ramos, LPC, Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision, RYT 200

All are welcome to attend this webinar! See pricing below:

IAMC Members: $15

ICA Members: $25

Non-Members: $35

Students: $20

Log-in for your special member pricing!

Register Today!