Marketing for Events

May 12, 2021 | Internship Projects, Remote Work

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States has lost over 20.6 million jobs since mid-March, resulting in an unemployment rate of 14.7%—a level unseen since the Great Depression. Due to this predicament, jobs and internships have been extremely limited and hard to find. Since Spring Quarter, I have had the privilege to begin an internship at a company called NYCxDesigns as a marketing intern. At first, I was a bit nervous to start my position, but mostly excited since I had previously interned for a remote company. This gave me a solid background in such a workplace; however, each company is idiosyncratic in its own way. My nerves did stop once I met my supervisors, as they have been extremely kind and understanding throughout this whole experience. Even though the remote position can be a bit frustrating, as I am unable to meet other people within the company, my supervisors made it extremely clear that if I want to connect with others within the company they were happy to set up a meeting to do so.

Since the position is still relatively new, I would still say I am working on some of the first assignments. These tasks mostly include reaching out to clients and/or designers via email, gathering and organizing their information, and storing it in an Excel sheet. This information is all going towards a new segment our company is currently launching regarding promoting artists within the New York area. I also have helped edit and create certain pages on the website, specifically when it comes to certain designers’ events. I had the pleasure to be invited to help write and listen in on the company’s monthly podcast, The Mic. Finally, I have been able to help schedule social media posts to help promote designers who signed up for Design Days. I will be in charge of posting all 36 social media posts to help viewers gain awareness of specific designers’ events and times throughout New York (both in-person and virtually). It has truly been a treat to help set up designers’ events, promote them, and I cannot wait to see it all come to life in May.

I believe this internship will truly help build my resume and strengthen multiple skills such as communication, writing, creativity, efficiency, top-notch organization, digital marketing, customer care, making connections (not just with my co-workers but with the company’s audience), agility, and data analysis. Though I have just started, I anticipate learning and growing exponentially from this internship. I am truly looking forward to posting stories and events on social media to help promote small designers within the New York area. It makes the internship easy and fun, as I truly enjoy the values and meaning behind the company NYCxDesigns. Through this experience, I believe my social media marketing skills will truly shine.

I have linked some of my work pertaining to the website here. I hope you enjoy!