Bravo to Newton Minow, selected by Pres. Obama as one of 21 winners of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Newt just visited the DePaul Center for Journalism Integrity and Excellence when his daughter, Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow, was our guest. Of course he’s our favorite but others joining him include Michael Jordan, Tom Hanks, Robert Redford and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Have Passion For What You Do
Rather, former news anchor at “CBS Evening News,” spoke Friday night at a community conversation held by Poynter in St. Petersburg, Florida. Included in the audience were members of the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists, with journalists from 70 countries.
“This is a once-in-a-generation election,” Rather said, “because I think it will reverberate for quite a long time.”
Before this election, Rather said, it was a given that fact and truth counted for something. Politicians were held accountable. The country has never had a campaign that went as low as this one did, Rather said, or one where both candidates both had such negative approval ratings.
But it’s worth remembering, he said to the citizens and international visitors in the audience, that freedom of the press is enshrined in our Bill of Rights.
“In our system of government and in our society, a free and independent, truly independent, fiercely independent press is the red beating heart of democracy.”
With a few exceptions, Rather said, the press didn’t distinguish itself in this election. Now, it’s gut-check time.
The press now must do three things to cover President-elect Donald Trump, he said.
One, ask tough questions. Two, “and perhaps more important, ask tough follow-up questions,” he said, not for the benefit of circulation or ratings or demographics, “but because these questions need to be asked.” And three, the press has to dig deep with investigative reporting.
It’s gone a bit out of style, Rather said, “but it’s going to be needed over the next year and a half to two years in particular.”
All of that has to happen in an era that Rather admitted was a different one from his own, when deadlines happened every day, every other day if you were a star. Now, journalists are expected to tweet, Facebook, blog and more.
“There’s a deadline every nanosecond,” he said.
And that leaves less time for actual reporting.
Still, he said, it’s hard to think of a craft, profession or skill whose standards have endured for so long.
Rather took questions from the international journalists in the audience, but his answers may resonate with American journalists now, too. What advice did he have for journalists who feel threatened by their government?
“Some days, in some ways, danger is my business,” Rather said. “That’s what the craft is about.”
He knows what it’s like to balance journalism with family and bills and obligations. He had to make those choices himself, including trekking into Afghanistan in 1980 after the Soviet Union invaded. His wife and daughter asked him not to go, Rather told the audience, but he told them it might be one of the great stories of his generation, and he wanted to get it.
There are a lot of downsides to journalism, Rather said.
“But when it’s at its best and you’re part of it, you have a sense of being part of something bigger than yourself,” he said.
The evening’s last question: What advice did he have for women to help stay in journalism?
To be a journalist and to be a good journalist, Rather said, requires passion. Do you have it? Can you develop it? And then, can you sustain it?
Journalists might not make a lot of money, the odds of being famous are so small it’s not even worth thinking about, he said, “but you can live an adventurous life, and at the end you may say some of what I did counted. Some of it mattered.”
Who’s Right?
Same Story, Two Networks: CBS, NBC Differ on Arizona Republic Story
After the Arizona Republic endorsed a democratic presidential candidate for the first time in its 126-year history, outraged readers launched death threats at the paper’s staff.
On Oct. 17, as part of a package about rising tensions in the elections, NBC devoted 20 seconds to the threats.
NBC Graphic
Mi-Ai Parrish, president of the Arizona Republic, said people are spitting on students selling subscriptions and a man threatened to pour boiling water on anyone who comes to his house on the paper’s behalf.
On Oct. 19, CBS ran a nearly three-minute package about the paper’s endorsement and subsequent firestorm.
CBS Graphic
CBS reporter Lee Cowan detailed the rude, hateful and threatening emails and phone calls to the paper.
CBS Graphic
CBS Graphic
CBS Graphic
CBS Graphic
However, the tone of calls and emails improved after Parrish wrote another editorial thanking those who respectfully disagreed with the paper.
Was it a mistake for NBC not to include how things are getting better at the paper and therefore promote a more fearful tone? Was what NBC did sufficient to tell the story or did it need to be done in the way CBS did? Is this story important enough to warrant coverage from all of the networks?
Carol Marin, political editor for NBC Chicago, said she doesn’t quarrel with the way each network covered the story.
“Someone at NBC decided they wanted a multifaceted story with examples of how the climate in and around this election has become poisonous,” Marin said. “What CBS did was pull out in a fuller way this one instance and I think each is valid.”
Marin said the networks have more discretion when covering this story which is not breaking news and likes that the three networks did not “march in step”.
“It’s a fascinating story to me, but then, I’m the press, Marin said. “I think this is a jump ball.”
This story illuminates the rising tensions between politics and media during this election. Programs with limited airtime have to decide which stories warrant coverage. This story is valuable but not mandatory.