Civics Op-eds

Civic Op-eds

The Game of Life: Leveraging Tech for Civics Education

Link to Resource: The Game of Life


The majority of Americans know little about civics and government; video games could prove the unorthodox solution to our miseducation.

Reset This: Change How We Teach Civics in America

Link to Resource: Change How We Teach Civics in America


American civic life is in peril. Voters express disgust with both parties. Elected officials continue to challenge the veracity of the electoral process — including in recent runoff elections. Armed individuals are opening fire — literally — on groups with whom they disagree, claiming righteousness as hate crimes rise across the United States. Even libraries and classrooms are arenas for battle, with more than 1,500 books banned over the past school year.

There must be a national reset.

To Repair Democracy, Teach Empathic Listening as a Civic Skill

Link to Resource: Teach Empathic Listening as a Civic Skill


By prioritizing the teaching of empathic listening, we stand to not simply replicate the society we have, but create the one we want.

Keep Talking – America’s Democracy Depends on It

Link to Resource: Keep Talking


The slow, tedious process of asking, learning, debating, sometimes agreeing, and sometimes disagreeing, but also acknowledging one another and continuing to engage in this manner, regardless of the outcome—this is what democracy looks like.

America is in a ‘Great Pulling Apart’. Can We Pull Together?

Link to Resource: Can We Pull Together?


Our challenges are simply that our family is bigger now. Systems are straining under the scale and complexity of our family’s needs.

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