AI Insights and Consumer Neuroscience: Faculty Research at the Technological Frontier

By Jamie Merchant The hype has been extraordinary. Over the past two years, news outlets have blanketed the public with stories about the impact of large-language models (LLMs), or “artificial intelligence,” and their profound implications for human civilization. The CEO of Tesla and billionaire investor, Elon Musk, warns that the technology represents one of “humanity’s…

For James Bort, Research and Experience Go Hand in Hand

By Jamie Merchant “We always study entrepreneurs, you know? Looking at the employees of a startup is a little different.” James Bort has a slightly unconventional outlook for a scholar of modern business. “My dad was a line-level employee in a factory, and he had a very adversarial relationship with work,” he candidly shared in…

Researcher in Residence Program Builds Bridges Between Theory and Practice

In the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) program, industry insights and research acumen meet. A new program in the marketing department amplifies the impact of DBA research. When industry experience and academic research join forces, both fields benefit. This is a core tenet of the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program at DePaul’s Kellstadt Graduate…