For James Bort, Research and Experience Go Hand in Hand

By Jamie Merchant “We always study entrepreneurs, you know? Looking at the employees of a startup is a little different.” James Bort has a slightly unconventional outlook for a scholar of modern business. “My dad was a line-level employee in a factory, and he had a very adversarial relationship with work,” he candidly shared in…

Message from the Dean

Driehaus entrepreneurship program ranked #10 in the nation; curricular innovations honored; and more good news from the Loop. As the fall quarter draws to a close, we have much to celebrate here at DePaul’s Driehaus College of Business. Two of our very own initiatives, the Driehaus Cup pitch competition and the Coleman Entrepreneurship Center, received…

For Gretchen Shuler, Entrepreneurship Is Joy in Action

Gretchen Shuler, a junior entrepreneurship student at DePaul, has taken a whirlwind journey from ordinary student to student and entrepreneur. One emotion stands out above the rest. For Shuler, entrepreneurship is joy. “Entrepreneurship is enjoying what you do,” she reflects. “Entrepreneurs create companies because they want to do things in a different way. They want…