A summary of my progression through the different tasks of the assignment.
Task 1:
Cloning the repository was simple to do as well as creating a new folder within it to hold the assignments.
.gitignore was created by using gitignore.io
Task 2:
Player class with numPlayers variable war simle and easy to do and test.
Task 3:
Had a bit of trouble creating this because it had been awhile since I had created a linked list but after a refresher I was back up to speed. Created and tested without a problem.
Task 4:
Simple task that had me copy and pasting the code provided.
Using the methods in Player class was also simple.
Task 5:
Simple delete of Player class.
Task 6:
Had trouble doing this recovery because I reverted to an even further back commit than I intended. Took a bit of trial and error to recover the player class correctly in my personal computer and remote. Sorry if the commits at this point were a bit crazy.
Task 7:
creating addPlayer method was fairly simple to do. It was simply implementing adding the nodes to the node list of Player.
Task 8:
This task was not super simple but once I added getters to grab the different variables I was able to add all the player data to the Player node list.
Task 9:
Finding the max weight of the player node list was as simple as walking the list and comparing the different weights.
Had to override toString to create a nice print statement however.
Task 10:
Easy to create a branch.
Task 11:
double link list was easy to refactor. Just had to change around some of the methods.
Task 12:
remove node method was one of the harder methods to implement but I do remember coding similar functionality in another class so I drew on this experience to get it done. Had a harder time renumbering the indices.
Task 13:
Find min weight is very similar to finding max weight.
Task 14:
Combining both min and max methods was not extremely difficult but definitely had to mess around with the loop statements.
Task 15:
Merging the branches was easy to do.
Task 16:
Final Demo war simple to do and was happy to see everything worked.
Overall the assignment was fun and a good way to familiarize with using git.