Hello everybody! The Biological Sciences Department blog is back in business! Thank you for your patience.
Now that the blog is up and running again, we are making a call for student submissions. We want to hear from you, the students, about your experience as a DePaul BIO (or NEU) major. Submissions can be about past or current research opportunities, how your first week of Spring Quarter went, any fun activities over the past Winter Break, and much more! Use the blog Archive to preview past submissions for some ideas of what to write about.
If you would like to submit your writing, please send it as an email attachment to the Biology Department student assistants, Mia Frost (mfrost6@depaul.edu) or Franca Lolos (flolos@depaul.edu). Feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions about the blog.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
– Mia