Assignment 2 Reflection

This assignment was a big review from data structures 1 & 2, both of which seemed easy compared to now, but it still didn’t go as I’d hoped. For this series of tasks, I’ve only been able to complete 5 tasks and I’m not sure if I’m completely doing them correctly. However, with the time I have left I have to continue working on it since it’s too late to ask for an extension. I’m having a compilation error which I think is an issue with the path but I’m unsure.

I’ve gone up to task 7 but I don’t know if I correctly recovered via git commands correctly. I can’t seem to do the git revert command correctly.  I’m using this Git tutorial, and doing git log then finding the commit id and trying to revert to it but I get an error that says it could not commit to the hash. This page on stack overflow says there are conflicts but I’m not sure how that could be since I haven’t edited the class that I deleted.

I learned a lot from this assignment, and I was stuck for too long on understanding this implementation of a linked list, but it helped when someone in the class Teams channel mentioned to think of the seLinkedList class as the node class and the list of players. I believe I’m also stuck on how to populate the data into the linked list class. I think I need to review data structures more, because some of my references to other classes end up in errors. I was right that my earlier issue is a path error and it doesn’t compile. If I had started earlier I would have had more time to understand this issue, which is something I need to keep in mind going forward. I wish this class met more often.

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