Assignment 1!

Fibonacci and the First Week of Class

I had a few difficulties with this assignment because I always have trouble in the first week or two of classes when I have to set up a lot of my workspace and get adjusted to new environments. I specifically had trouble figuring out if I had JDK downloaded because I forgot that I had it already downloaded so trying to download it again was confusing but I figured it out after about a day. Adjusting is never easy but once I have the quarter goes by smoothly. The coding problem was fairly easy this assignment since it was short and I knew what the Fibonacci sequence was and had coded it before for a previous class (I don’t remember which class exactly but I have at least heard two different professors in my career here at DePaul mention it and go over it).

My thoughts and expectations for this course are that I am very excited. I love that I get to work with a team of people and feel how it really is going to feel in the real world when I am a professional software developer. It’s also nice that I am taking this class online since I am hoping to get a job where I can work from home just like I am for this class. I’m a little nervous, which is what I feel in every computer science class I take because I really want to do well and understand what I am learning. I also want to get better at asking for help.

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